Olli Rehn

Personal details

Minister of Economic Affairs, 29 May 2015 to present

Doctor of Philosophy, Member of Parliament       
Centre Party of Finland
Date and place of birth: 31 March 1962 Mikkeli
Place of residence: Helsinki

Political career

Minister of Economic Affairs, 29 May 2015 to present

Centre Party, Deputy Party Leader 1988–1994
Youth Union of the Centre Party, Chair 1987–1989, Secretary for International Affairs 1984

Member of Parliament, 1991–1995, 2015 to present
Parliament work

Member of European Parliament, 1995–1996, 2014–2015
Member of the European Commission, 2004-2014

Helsinki City Council, Member 1988–1994
Centre Party Helsinki, Party Council, Chair 1988–1990
Helsinki Metropolitan Area Council, Board Member 1988–1992

Other work experience and societal responsibilities

Head of Cabinet to the Finnish Member of the European Commission in Brussels 1998–2002
Researcher at the University of Helsinki Department of Political Science 1996–1997
Special Adviser to the Prime Minister 1992–1993
Assistant at the University of Helsinki Department of Political Science 1989–1990
Centre Party, Planning Secretary 1985–1987
Mikkelin Autotarvike, salesperson 1977–1982

Finnish Football League Association, Chair 1996–1997
European Movement in Finland, Vice Chair 1996–1998
Finnet Oy, Board of Directors, 1996–1997
Finnish Institute of International Affairs, Board Member 1993–1998
Finnair, Supervisory Board, 1990–1995
National Committee of Finnish Youth Organisations, Chair 1985–1987


Myrskyn silmässä 2012
Suomen eurooppalainen valinta 2006
Kylmä tasavalta 2003
Suomen EU-puheenjohtajuuden eurooppalaiset haasteet 1998
Pieni valtio Euroopan unionissa 1996
Corporatism and industrial competitiveness in small European states: Austria. Finland and Sweden 1945–1995 1996
Liike vai puolue? (A movement or a party?) 1989
Suomen integraatiopolitiikka kylmän sodan aikana ja sen käännekohdassa 1989–1992 (Ulkopoliittinen instituutti) 1993
Efta and the European Community (Oxford International Review) 1991
Articles in books and papers

Other information

Spouse: Merja Rehn
One child
Language skills: Finnish, Swedish, English, French and basic skills in German


The object of mass VOTE: Olli Rehn.  
Finland political

Rate the damage it causes (does not cause) the object of VOTE to the European Commonwealth.

Method of ethical VOTE is to choose one of the following  values:

 0 - moral, there is no prejudice to the European community;
-1, -2, -3 - minor damage, harm to the European community;
-4, -5, -6 - damage of medium gravity for the European community;
-7, -8, -9, -10 - substantial damage, harm to the European community.


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