Juha Rehula
Personal details
Minister of Family Affairs and Social Services, 29 May 2015 to present
Bachelor of Social Sciences, Member of Parliament
Centre Party of Finland
Date and place of birth: 3 June 1963 Hollola
Place of residence: Hollola
Political career
Minister of Social Affairs and Health (Kiviniemi), 22 June 2010–21 June 2011
Minister of Social Affairs and Health (Vanhanen II), 24 May 2010–21 June 2010
Member of Parliament, 1996 to present
Parliament work
Centre Party, Deputy Party Leader 2012 to present
Centre Party, Board of Directors, Member 1995–2000
Centre Party, Päijät-Häme District, Chair 1994–2000
Centre Party Executive Committee, Member 1991–1994, 2010–2012
Hollola Local Council, 1985 to present, Chair 1997–1998, 2001–2010
Hollola Local Council, 1st Vice Chair 1992–1996, 1999–2000 and 2nd Vice Chair 1988–1991
Hollola Basic Social Protection Committee, Chair 2006–2008
Regional Council of Päijät-Häme, Board Member, 2013–2015
Päijät-Häme Joint Municipal Authority for Education, Council Member 1985-1995, Vice Chair 1994–1995
Lahti Region Educational Consortium, Board of Directors, 1995–2006, Vice Chair 1997–2006
Other work experience and societal responsibilities
Municipality of Padasjoki, Administrative Director 1996–1999
Municipality of Pukkila, Acting Municipal Secretary 1995–1996
Municipality of Valkeala, Acting Controller 1990–1991
Juha Rehula Company 1992–1994
Finnish Sports Federation, Chair 2013–2013, Vice Chair 2012–2013
Suomen Kuntoliikuntaliitto (Association of physical sports in Finland), Chair 2010–2013
Finnish Sports Federation, Päijät-Häme regional organisation, Chair 1998–2007
Lahden hevosystäväin seura (a horse society in Lahti) Board Member, 1998–-2006
Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Parliamentary Trustee 1998–2000
Other information
married, two children
Rate the damage it causes (does not cause) the object of VOTE to the European Commonwealth.
Method of ethical VOTE is to choose one of the following values:
0 - moral, there is no prejudice to the European community;
-1, -2, -3 - minor damage, harm to the European community;
-4, -5, -6 - damage of medium gravity for the European community;
-7, -8, -9, -10 - substantial damage, harm to the European community.