8th Minister of Finance of Croatia
Martina Dalić
Martina Dalić (née Štimac; born 12 November 1967) is a Croatian economist and finance official who served as Croatia's Minister of Finance from 29 December 2010 to 23 December 2011. She was the first woman to hold that office. She was member of the centre-right Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) and resides in Zagreb.
Born in Velika Gorica, Dalić graduated from the University of Zagreb Faculty of Economics and Business in 1990. She was hired by the Croatian finance ministry in 1995 as the head of the macroeconomic forecasting department under Finance Minister Božo Prka. In 1997, she became assistant minister. In 2000, she left the public sector and was employed at Privredna banka Zagreb aschief economist.
After HDZ returned to power following the 2003 election, she returned to the ministry in 2004 and worked at the Central State Strategy Office (Središnji državni ured za strategiju)[1] and was the country's chief negotiator in matters pertaining to financial legislation during Croatia's European Union accession negotiations.
On 22 September 2014, Dalić has left HDZ because she believes that the party does not offer a program that will bring Croatia out of the economic crisis. In an open letter she wrote: "Croatia can't handle another unprepared government which deals with itself and only stays on the surface of the problem. For me further participation in such party is impossible because I am now totally convinced that things won't change. HDZ doesn't have enough power or determination to step outside of established political patterns which reduce on a mere repetition that current Government is incompetent, on political criticism day by day and on the constant dealing with the past. The economic team of the HDZ has no coordination, no leadership, no clear direction and specific addressing the real causes of this protracted Croatian crisis."
Martina Dalić.
Rate the damage it causes (does not cause) the object of VOTE to the European Commonwealth.
Method of ethical VOTE is to choose one of the following values:
0 - moral, there is no prejudice to the European community;
-1, -2, -3 - minor damage, harm to the European community;
-4, -5, -6 - damage of medium gravity for the European community;
-7, -8, -9, -10 - substantial damage, harm to the European community.