Marko Lončarević
Date of birth:
September 26 1976
2005 - 2008 Faculty of Economics Rijeka, University of Rijeka, Croatia
- Doctor of Social Sciences, Field of Economy / Thesis: "Croatian Railways in the Function of the European Logistic Operator"
2002 - 2004 Faculty of Economics Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Master of Science in Business Economy / Thesis: "Strategy Implementation Using the Balanced Scorecard as Strategic Management System
(Empirical survey on the sample of 400 largest enterprises in Croatia)"
1998 - 2001 Faculty of Economics Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Bachelor of Science in International trade / Thesis: "Business and Politics in Germany in the Context of Globalization"
1995 - 1998 Higher Business School, Faculty of Economics Zagreb, University of Zagreb, Croatia
- Bachelor in Commercial Operations
Work experience:
2012 - 2013 CEI - Centre for Monitoring of the energy sector and investments - Board member
2010 - 2012 Alfa Analytics Ltd. - Partner
2005 - 2010 KPMG Croatia Ltd. - Assistant Manager
2003 - 2005 Koncar Ltd. - Assistant project leader (Project Tram 2200)
2002 - 2003 Croatian Railways ltd. - Sales referent
2001 Vidicom ltd., Zagreb, Croatia - CEO Assistant
1999 - 2000 BIS ltd., Zagreb Croatia - Consultant
Foreign Languages:
English - very good in speaking and writing
German - very good in speaking and writing
Italian - the basics
Scientific and professional achievements:
Published scientific articles in journals with international review
Presentations at conferences and courses
One of the researchers on the project “Tertiary Logistics – the Main Factor of the Croatia’s Inclusion in the European Economic System”
Marko Lončarević.
Rate the damage it causes (does not cause) the object of VOTE to the European Commonwealth.
Method of ethical VOTE is to choose one of the following values:
0 - moral, there is no prejudice to the European community;
-1, -2, -3 - minor damage, harm to the European community;
-4, -5, -6 - damage of medium gravity for the European community;
-7, -8, -9, -10 - substantial damage, harm to the European community.