13th Minister of Defence of Croatia

Ante Kotromanović

Ante Kotromanović born 8 May 1968 is Croatian politician and army officer. In December 2011, he became Defence Minister of Croatia.


Kotromanović was born in Potravlje near Hrvace. He graduated from Command and Staff Academy "Blago Zadro" and War College "Ban Josip Jelačić".

In 1990 he become member of special forces of the Croatian police. A year later, in 1991, he become commander of special forcescompany in headquarters of the Croatian Army. In 1992, he was named commander of a battalion in teaching center in Sinj. From 1993 till 1996 he was commander of the 126th Sinj Brigade and Sinj Operational Zone. From 1996 till 19 October 1999 he was commander of the 4th Guard Brigade. After that, he attended War College "Ban Josip Jelačić", and in 2001 he was named commander of the Dubrovnik Divisional District. In 2002 he retired from army service.

From 11 January 2008 until 22 December 2011 he was Member of sabor, after which he become Minister of Defence under Zoran Milanović as Prime Minister.


The object of mass VOTE: 

Ante Kotromanović.  


Rate the damage it causes (does not cause) the object of VOTE to the European Commonwealth.

Method of ethical VOTE is to choose one of the following  values:

 0 - moral, there is no prejudice to the European community;
-1, -2, -3 - minor damage, harm to the European community;
-4, -5, -6 - damage of medium gravity for the European community;
-7, -8, -9, -10 - substantial damage, harm to the European community.


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