

International Agency of Informal Justice: scientific base, ideology and technology, legal basis


Mikhailov Andrey Leonidovich


The modern socio-legal world to a certain extent remains unregulated or ineffectively regulated. The methodology of research and solution of socio-legal problems applied in modern science does not correspond to their content, which is rhizomorphic, dynamic, has an unstable changing structure [1].

Traditional research methods are not able to master the new legal realities, in particular, the problem of the discrepancy between legal science and legal practice. Modern law enforcement is increasingly in conflict with the principles of law [6].

It is the facts of the modern era (the separation of legal science from legal practice) that strongly require a new methodology for legal science. The use of the latest achievements of philosophical sciences, including philosophical anthropology, philosophy of culture, philosophy of law, comparative jurisprudence, sociology, cultural studies, modern IT technologies, social and eco-social technologies. The development of a new methodology of legal science is an urgent task for modern researchers of the theory of law and practice of law enforcement.


A positive trend in jurisprudence is the fact that new works on the philosophy of law began to appear. They are gradually, steadily acquiring the "right of citizenship" in the system of legal sciences, and on the part of the general legal community they are recognized as a real means of overcoming legal dogmatism and positivism, a methodological basis for understanding law, all branches of legal science.

According to the classification adopted in the latest philosophy of law, formal, informal and informal law are distinguished [2,3,4, 10-16].


Formal, informal and informal law



Formal law consists of laws, codes, regulations and non-normative acts, government organizations that regulate the relationship between people and organizations that control their behavior [2].

The concept of "law" is abstract, existing in the minds of people and associated in thinking with the concepts of "truth" and "rules of conduct", which are provided by training, control, punishment and encouragement from society and government.

The existence of formal law is supported by laws, codes, court decisions and other government authorities.

Sources of formal law are acts of state bodies establishing or authorizing (recognizing) legal norms.

Types of sources of law:

1. Legal custom: a rule of conduct historically formed through repeated repetition, sanctioned by the state as a generally binding rule (a social instinct required by the state to maintain its own stability).

2. Legal precedent: a specific decision in a specific case by a judicial or administrative authority, which becomes binding when solving similar cases in the future. The legal precedent is made in agreement with the state, which needed a new social instinct (the rule of people's behavior) to stabilize power.

3. Normative act: a document adopted by a specially authorized body of the state, which establishes, changes or cancels legal norms. It differs from legal custom in that with the help of a normative act, a specific procedure is established for the implementation of people's actions necessary for the state and society. It is necessary to regulate the ratio of old (unnecessary) social instincts and new (necessary) rules of human behavior.

4. Regulatory agreement: a bilateral or multilateral agreement of subjects of law, containing legal norms that are binding on subjects with different legal customs and culture.

Excessive formalization of social life leads to the fact that law loses one of its main features - social significance. Due to the excessive formalization of social and legal reality and the lack of legal and pedagogical support for securing a new norm of behavior, the contradiction between the generation of new legal norms and the real behavior of subjects is aggravated.

A multifaceted analysis of the loss of the social significance of formal law indicates that the practice of applying formal law does not meet the needs of society, negatively affects the stability of public relations and the rule of law. But there are also positive aspects in the evolution of jurisprudence. Gradually, but persistently, an awareness of the gap between the theory of law and the practice of law enforcement and the demand of the state and society to bridge this gap is formed.


Informal law consists of traditions, customs, moral rules and habits of behavior, non-governmental organizations and structures that regulate relations between people and organizations, as well as formal law, which control their behavior [2].

The concept of "informal law" is abstract, and associated in thinking with the concepts of "truth", "justice", "conscience", "morality", "morality", "rules of conduct", which are provided by training, control, punishment and encouragement from outside society and social institutions (family, culture, education, science, economics, law, security, medicine).

The existence of informal law is supported by people's ideas and reasoning about truth, justice, conscience, morality. At the same time, the informal law includes biologically determined human instincts aimed at providing food, reproduction and domination. Informal law is supported by traditions, customs, beliefs, cults of people, decisions of groups on which a particular person and his behavior depends. This right is supported by other groups in the struggle for food, reproduction and domination.

Sources of informal law are customs, traditions, beliefs, convictions of the dominant groups in society and the state, which establish and support real norms of behavior (for example, "double standards": we say one thing, we do another; or "uniform standards": what we say, we do ).

Types of sources of informal law:

1. Real custom of behavior: a rule of behavior historically formed by repeated repetition, repeated and fixed in the form of a social instinct (transmitted from generation to generation in a non-genetic way). It is a social instinct required by one generation of people to be passed on to another to ensure sustainable foraging, reproduction and dominance.

2. Genius precedent: an unusual social act for a group of people that solves their problems, but is difficult to copy and difficult to imitate, as it goes beyond the traditional biologically determined standards of behavior aimed at foraging, reproduction and domination.

3. Normative act: people's attitudes towards themselves, others and their environment, speech, emotions, text, audio-video content, judgments, reasoning of people, rumors and speculations that establish, change or prohibit (inhibit) one or another act, behavioral Act. Necessary to regulate the reproduction of social instincts.

4. Collusion: non-public bilateral or multilateral agreement of entities aimed at arbitrary distribution of public and state resources to meet their own needs for better nutrition, reproduction and domination.

Sources of informal law have always been involved in legal regulation, which really reflect the social relations developing in the world community. These relations, to varying degrees, are reflected in formal law and are consolidated in the minds of the participants in legal relations.

Our review of legal practice shows that it is possible to recognize as sources of informal law custom and contract not sanctioned by the state, which play an important role in legal regulation, linking law with life.

Informal law is based on the practical use of the discursive-evaluative method, the main method of subjectology [16].

Subjectology as a science is a system of knowledge obtained by researchers engaged in the study of a specific subject, applying the discursive-evaluative method and the method of natural tests to his knowledge. It includes qualitatively different elements. Its components are:

areas of scientific knowledge (natural science, nonlinear logic, rhizomorphic analysis, social sciences and humanities);

units of knowledge (indices according to various rating scales used for cognition of a particular subject and his connections with other subjects and participation in groups, the influence of a group on a subject, and the influence of a subject on groups);

levels of scientific knowledge included in individual disciplines (empirical, theoretical);

types of scientific knowledge (evaluation of fragments of the subject's behavior by others on various scales, discursive - evaluative indexing of the subject);

marketing of the subject (how he sells himself on the market, and how he is really useful to customers).

All elements of scientific knowledge have a connection with each other. They are connected by a complex network of nonlinear logical and rhizomorphic relationships and interconnections [16].



Subjectology is characterized by the presence of cognitive activity for the study of a specific subject and his involvement, influence and susceptibility to the influence of groups. It includes:

creation and launch of information hubs;

launching the subject into the discursive-evaluative process;

identification and assessment of specific fragments of the subject's behavior in relation to himself, others, the environment;

indexing a subject on a different set of scales.

Being a cognitive activity, subjectology is characterized by reflectivity. It is carried out through the use of the natural test method and the discursive evaluative method. MET and DOM are aimed at obtaining and substantiating the most objective, true and useful knowledge about a specific subject.

The discursive-evaluative method (DOM) is based on the creation of a special network structure (social-evaluative network, discursive-evaluative network, information and communication evaluative resource), which makes it possible to carry out directed network discourse and mass ethical and legal assessment in real time, to quickly visualize harm (threat) emanating from a social subject.


Such "highlighting" allows mobile groups of network activists (socially active citizens) to exert an accurate humane influence on a social subject and prevent harm done to them (destroy the threat they pose).

The method of natural tests (MET) is a method of generalizing the data obtained by visual means of control, which makes it possible to make the transition from fixation and assessment of behavioral factors to judgments in terms of mental and socio-psychological properties of a person [5].

Test tasks of the method of natural tests are a set of situations from everyday life, in which the person being assessed freely demonstrates diagnostically significant images of his expressive behavior.

The possibility of developing specific methods of practical psychodiagnostics based on the method of natural tests at the end of the 20th century was determined by the practical needs of studying personality in closed systems (in the army, law enforcement agencies, government).

In the 1990s, the practice of applying the method of natural tests showed that in order to achieve indicators acceptable for diagnostics, the necessary rating scales and consistent assessment algorithms should be used.

The time-tested experience of the USSR in the development of natural tests was taken by China to mobilize its own population as a national method of digital control.

China begins in 2016 to carry out mass testing of its version of the implementation of the natural test method. This system involves not only applications and Internet services, but also "smart video cameras" equipped with recognition systems that form a single cyber space in China.

The data obtained by the method of natural tests should be discussed and evaluated in the course of discursive evaluative practices. Then qualitative data are possible for decision-making on all life activity issues. The disadvantage of using the natural test method is that it is well applicable for closed social organizations (army, security service, police, court, prosecutor's office, educational institution). However, for open systems (private organizations, public structures, participants in the economy, culture, science, education, trade, civil society) it is not enough. This can lead to the phenomenon of "electronic concentration camp", violation of human rights and freedoms. When recognizing an immoral act, it is always important to give a person an excuse, to understand, who made him do this act? We need a discussion with an assessed person, the use of a discursive-evaluative procedure to obtain new assessments of his behavior from the side of involved specialists and experts [16].

All elements of the scientific and cognitive activity of subjectology have an internal connection with each other, they close on each other, are aimed at the implementation of practical tasks of correcting self-esteem and behavior of a particular social subject.

Considering subjectology as a social institution, it can be characterized as:

a lot of citizens and organizations that cognize other subjects and make decisions on interacting with them, correcting their behavior;

social-evaluative, discursive-evaluative social networks, networks of influence;

ways of influencing specific subjects.

The weakness and helplessness of a person stem from the fact that he does not fully understand himself and the world around him, therefore he fears mistakes, falls into social paralysis - inaction. Knowledge of oneself and others gives strength, as it becomes clear what to do, who and how to influence, how to motivate oneself to creatively change reality, establish justice, and prosperity.

The values ​​that regulate the functioning of subjectology as a social institution: do not harm oneself, others and the environment, either by thought, word or deed; to create for oneself, others and the environment in thought, word and deed.

The methodological and general theoretical foundations of subjectology are associated with the practical application of the method of natural tests and the discursive-evaluative method to the study of a specific subject.

The complex of scientific knowledge obtained from the knowledge of a specific subject feeds law enforcement practice. The legal researcher uses the DOM and MET methodology, the moral worldview, specifically refracting them in relation to his problems of cognition and transformation of reality created by specific subjects.

In the course of practical work, a generalized characteristic of the subject of research is formed, which includes the following ideas:

1) about the indices of social subjects, which are calculated through the use of various types of rating scales (scales of harm, proper behavior, professional compliance, usefulness, and so on), according to which there is a direct online assessment of groups and masses of other subjects;

2) the degree of harm (morality) of the studied subjects and objects;

3) about the peculiarities of their interaction, entering into groups, influence on groups and influence of groups on subjects;

4) on the spatio-temporal structure of subjective reality, obtained on the basis of the dynamic characteristics of the change in the indices of the subject's online assessments on various scales.

Subjectology as a scientific basis of informal justice directly and directly comes into law enforcement practice. Each lawyer, law enforcement officer, judge can investigate a participant in a civil, arbitration and criminal case, using various methods of discursive and evaluative analysis of a specific subject and his life path, the history of compliance (violation) of law and public morality.

Subjectology studies the content of the movement of a social subject in a three-dimensional plane:

The first plane: measuring the measure of harm in relation to oneself;

The second plane: measuring the measure of harm in relation to others;

Third plane: measuring the measure of harm in relation to the environment.

In informal justice, the following possibilities of subjectology are used:

1. Descriptive - identifying the essential properties and relationships of a particular subject.

2. Evaluation - the use of the knowledge gained about a specific subject to correct their own behavior and the behavior of the studied subject.

3. Explanatory - an explanation of the process of the formation of the subject and his movement in the social environment in a three-dimensional plane (to whom and how he harmed: himself, neighbors, environment).

4. Production and practical - the ability to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

5. Prognostic - the ability to foresee harm from the subject and ignore (or correct) it in his life path.

6. World outlook - the introduction of the acquired knowledge into the existing picture of the world.

Researchers, lawyers-subjectologists, using MET and DOM, will be able to accumulate and use knowledge about specific subjects, which will help develop the theory of formal, informal and informal law, and adjust law enforcement to a specific subject.

If a person is well studied in the totality of his social connections and relationships, personal qualities and character, then a fair and objective legal decision can be easily made on him.

The concepts of "informal law", "informal justice" have been proposed by a number of scientists [2, 3, 4]. They are abstract, and are associated in people's thinking with such concepts as “the voice of the people - the voice of God”, “discourse of power”, “power discourse”. If a mass ethical assessment of a subject indicates his wrong behavior, this behavior will inevitably be corrected.

"Powerful discourse" always prescribes this or that behavior.

"Discourse of power" can correct the acts of formal law. For example, a representative of a government body expressed his opinion, and after this speech, formal legal acts begin to be corrected, specific law enforcement decisions are radically changed. For example, a decision has just been made on imprisonment in relation to this or that subject. After the discourse, the authorities immediately release him.

The existence of informal law is supported by ideas, people's reasoning about other people and the fear of becoming the object of “terrible whispers of discourse” (the object of public discussion and condemnation). Also significant is the fear of becoming an object of discussion and condemnation of persons from government bodies ("Power discourse").

Informal law can significantly change formal law.

Informal law, based on the will of various representatives of government bodies (for bureaucratic cultures) or on the opinion of citizens (for democratic cultures), or on the opinion of participants in business and finance, can quickly and effectively regulate the behavior of all subjects of formal and informal law. This right is rhizomorphic, unstable in its sources, process and result. Here, constant research work is extremely important to study the behavior of subjects who were influenced by an informal legal event (“terrible whisper of discourse”, “power discourse”) [7].

Informal law directly involves biologically determined human instincts aimed at ensuring safety (fear) and reflex assessment of the situation (recognizing threats and harm), including the rapid exchange of assessments during communication, which corrects the behavior of both the participants in the discussion and assessment, and object of discussion and assessment. Assessments that arise in the course of the discursive-evaluative process can themselves become sources of informal and formal law.

Sources of informal law - assessments, reasoning and discussion in the structures of the highest state and financial authorities, discursive-evaluative environments (social-evaluative networks), which correct the behavioral practices of citizens and organizations.

Types of sources of informal law:

1. Estimates and discourse of heads of state and financial structures.

2. Feedback social connections, studied and used in the assessment and implementation of discourse by the leaders of state and financial structures.

3. Assessments and discourse of citizens: public bilateral or multilateral discussion and agreement of citizens, influencing the distribution of public and state resources to meet their own and public needs for better nutrition, reproduction and domination.

4. Reputation indices (indicators of public trust), arising from the analysis of people's attitudes to certain subjects.

Informal law is based on the practical use of the discursive evaluative method. 

Participation in discursive-evaluative practices (exploitation of social networks of a new type - social-evaluative networks, discursive-evaluative networks) allows you to correct the real behavior of citizens, to make it better (harmless to others). The balance of fairness is ensured by technologically network structures of informal law, using the possibilities of the influence of discursive-evaluative, social-evaluative networks. These networks will ensure social selection in such a way that it becomes difficult to violate formal and informal norms of behavior of subjects. These subjects will be provided with such educational and legal impact that will exclude or significantly limit the reproduction of socially dangerous behavior [10, 11].

A criminal will not be able to hide his crimes, avoid the onset of legal responsibility in any country in the world. The structures of informal law will translate into all languages ​​of the world information about the negative rating of a given subject and his offenses, low moral and ethical qualities. They will interact with local police and court authorities to apply their national law to the evading entity. Also, the local business community will be informed about the appearance on their territory of a subject that deliberately does not comply with the contractual relationship.

Informal law structures are cross-border. Using discursive-evaluative networks, they will track the movement of a criminal, offender, and pursue him around the world, informing citizens, police, forensic experts, and governments of different countries about the threatening movement of an unscrupulous business participant (potential criminal) in their direction. They warn, signal to others about the appearance of a criminal in this or that part of the world, in this or that state [13].

Informal law structures are virtually autonomous. They can independently decide on the punishment of a criminal who was not kept in violation of the laws of the structure of formal and informal law. The offender cannot find shelter from the persecution of the structures of informal law (discursive-evaluative, social-evaluative network) anywhere in the world.

Informal law structures effectively complement formal and informal law organizations. The "terrible whisper of discourse" frightens the criminal. He is afraid of general discussion and moral condemnation, which lead to the loss of reputation and the subsequent launch of the work of organizations of formal law (investigation, conviction and punishment). The criminal develops a feeling of guilt, repentance sets in (“why did I do this”) [14].

The structures of informal law will become a practical ethical regulator of behavior, which will make the work of structures of informal and formal law more effective, humane and fair. They can be used to modernize existing penitentiary systems [15].

Organizations of informal law use the structures of formal and informal law to organize discursive practices and mass assessment, which strengthens all participants in civil, arbitration and criminal processes, sets the moral vector for public discussion and assessment. The addition of formal, informal law with informal law - informal justice is carried out [16].

The use of the discursive-evaluative method in legal science will lead to a balance of the theoretical constructions of legal science, human rights and customs, traditions of the socio-cultural community. "War of all against all" will move to a more humane plane of discursive-evaluative procedures, during which legally imperfect subjects (there are simply no perfect ones) will improve other, more imperfect subjects, and thus improve their own culture of legal behavior.

The life of an organized society and state presupposes the coordination of rights and interests on the basis of their mutual limitation, which meets the need for coexistence. Putting one's right above the right of a part or the whole of society is a sign of an antisocial position. The rights and legitimate interests of citizens should be guaranteed by the state, but not to the detriment of the interests of other people, associations and the whole society. The balance of the rights of the individual, society and the state is ensured by discursive-evaluative procedures, implemented in discursive-evaluative social networks. These networks make it possible to reflect backward social connections, people's attitudes to certain subjects of law. Obviously, the following fact is taking place: often an experienced lawbreaker evades justice. However, he may be flagged as a "serial crook" on social-value networks, and then such a subject will stop serial fraud, which is very important for maintaining stability, a good moral and legal atmosphere in any country in the world. Forensic experts, judges, investigators, and economic and financial decision makers will pay attention to information about a “serial fraudster”. They will make the necessary, timely and fair decisions.

Often such a “serial fraud”, “serial killer” is a sociopath (a person who, at the biological, psychological and socio-psychological level, lacks a sense of moral norms, rules of behavior, law). The sociopath has no compassion for other people, has no conscience.

In the course of his development, for various reasons, he could not copy, assimilate social instincts and behavioral habits useful for society. This disadvantage is compensated by the sociopath's developed abilities to deceive, abuse the trust of citizens, take and not fulfill contractual obligations [8].

Legal science, absorbing the results of research on informal law, will receive a new impetus for its development. The conflict between norms and reality, legal programs and the nature of their implementation has led to uncertainty in the veracity, honesty, morality of the subjects of formal law (judicial, legislative, executive power, legal scholars, lawyers-educators, lawyers and lawyers). Informal justice has a positive potential to naturally resolve this conflict.


The importance of informal justice for legal theory and practice



Informal justice helps existing formal legal practices become more effective and provide fairer decisions. The use of the idea of ​​informal law, informal justice, is a promising direction for improving the theory of law and law enforcement in all states of the world. The person does not realize that he is subject to continuous social selection. His access to food, reproduction and domination is constantly changing, depending on the results of the assessment of his social actions by other subjects.

For the first time in the history of mankind, we can influence the very process of social selection in a humane direction, exclude lethal, bloody, criminal, phenomena from the history of the subsequent development of our civilization.

Informal justice is a set of participants (governmental, non-governmental legal and other organizations, experts and citizens) who consider, discuss and evaluate the subjects of violations of law and morality.

The main method of informal justice is the discursive evaluative method. The scientific basis of informal justice is subjectology. The task of informal justice is to restore the balance of justice for an injured citizen (organization).

The theoretical provisions of legal science will be more consistent with law enforcement when each lawyer uses scientific and practical recommendations on the application of the main provisions of informal justice in civil, arbitration and criminal proceedings. This will make it possible to prevent in the course of resolving cases the obvious injustice characteristic of situations where the theoretical provisions of legal science, formal law and the practice of law enforcement are broken.


Subject of informal justice: scientific base, ideology and technology



Based on new developments in the field of legal science (informal justice), it is possible to create a subject of informal law - an international agency of informal justice.

By creating the world's first subject of informal justice - the international agency of informal justice, one can use the scientific basis of informal justice, eco-social technologies, ideology-technology of morality.

The scientific provisions of informal justice are described above.

According to Professor V.A. Chigirev, eco-social technology is a set of techniques for applying the discursive-evaluative method to achieve the set socially significant goals.

Discursive evaluative method  (DOM) - analysis, discussion and assessment of the discourse and behavioral practices of subjects in various aspects of life. It is carried out by experts and citizens from the standpoint of the following principles.

The Global Environmental Principle (GEO);

Global Ethical Moral Principle (GENP);

Rule "Three Cs" (3C).

Analysis, discussion and assessment of the discourse and behavioral practices of subjects in various aspects of life occurs at a certain time interval in an iterative mode using a certain set of rating scales:

scale of harm;

scale of professional compliance;

scale of proper behavior and others.

The time interval is set by the situation, corrected by the degree of social indignation of citizens.

At the same time, the assessments and preferences of experts and citizens are visualized in open information environments. This happens until practically useful results (decisions) are obtained, correcting the social actions (behavior) of the evaluated subjects.

The Global Environmental Principle (GEP) is a rule accepted by the majority of the subject: do not harm the environment, other entities and yourself.

The Global Ethical Moral Principle (GENP) is a rule of behavior accepted by most people - you need to behave in such a way as not to harm others, the environment and yourself.

Rule "Three C" (3C) - do not harm yourself (C1), neighbors (C2), environment (C3) neither by thought, nor word, nor deed; create for yourself, neighbors, living environment with thought, word, deed.

The ecological behavioral imperative reflects the moral rule "Three Cs": do not harm yourself (C1), neighbors (C2), environment (C3) neither by thought, nor word, nor deed; create for yourself (C1), neighbors (C2), environment (C3) with thought, word, deed. 

Our studies have shown that for each person for his normal functioning (in biological, physical, somatic, mental, economic, social terms), first of all, it is necessary not to harm others (C2). This is the most important task of the present and the future - to ensure that the behavior of each person respects the ecological behavioral imperative.

The ecological behavioral imperative is ensured by the launch into social practice of the “blocking technology” developed by us, the basis of which is the discursive evaluative method (DOM). As a result of its implementation, each subject will have different dynamic indices, which, in total, provide instant recognition of the ethics of his behavior and justification of the choice of a decision to interact with such a subject.

Blocking technology allows regulating the introduction of new technologies and the use of old ones. It can help launch them, distribute them, or stop their implementation. The blocking technology allows from an ethical standpoint (does it harm people) to consolidate the environmental norms of behavior of each subject.

To bridge the gap between legal theory and law enforcement, the ecology of behavior (do not harm others, the environment and yourself) will become the traditional norm. This will lead people to live better lives through eco-behavior and eco-management. A balance of fairness will be maintained for each person.

Eco-behavior (ecology of behavior) is human behavior that excludes harm to the environment, other people and oneself.

Eco-management (management ecology) is a management activity of a person, which excludes harm to the environment, other people and oneself.

Eco-behavior and eco-management will ensure that the gap between legal theory and practice of law enforcement is bridged, and will maintain a balance of justice.

Thus, the subject of informal justice can use the main provisions of informal justice as its scientific base, and use eco-social technologies as technologies.

The ideology and values ​​of such a subject are also important.

In this regard, the most adequate ideology can be used the development of the Institute of Morality - the ideology-technology of morality [18].

The ideology-technology of morality is an ecosocial technology and includes the idea of ​​morality, freely accepted and shared by most social subjects, as the idea of ​​not causing harm; and the associated procedure for measuring the morality of social subjects [19].

The measurement of the morality of social subjects is carried out in the process of ethical assessment of their social actions. As a result, each social subject receives an individual morality index, which is constantly adjusted in the process of discursive practices.

Individual indices of morality of social subjects are used by other social subjects in ensuring the openness of civil society, state building, government, local government and other types of life. 

Ethical assessment is an assessment by citizens of the morality of actions (inaction) of other citizens and organizations of citizens from the standpoint of causing or not causing harm and threats in order to block immoral behavior.

The ethical assessment process is open in nature, is regulated by civil society, and is a form of public control.


The basis for an ethical assessment is the commission by a citizen or organization of an act that is assessed by other persons as harmful or threatening to them.

A negative ethical assessment is an ethical burden on a social subject.

Civil consent (positive or negative) is the opinion of citizens, expressed in an evaluative form about the social actions of social actors.

Social action is the result of the activity of a social subject: intentions, statements, decisions, actions affecting interests that can harm, create a threat for more than one citizen.

A social subject is an individual, groups of people and their associations, organizations, enterprises, administration, government, civil society as a whole.

A social process is a way of existence of a social subject, his life activity, carried out in interaction with other social subjects.

Negative civil consent is a consolidated condemning opinion of many social actors about social actions or inaction of other social actors. It is a tool of civil society to correct social processes.

The ethical assessment scale (binary, multi-point) is a way of digitizing and visualizing the assessment of the level of morality of a social subject. Ethical assessment scales can be used by citizens to organize ethical assessment of social subjects.

Conscience is an ethical regulator of human and citizen's behavior, his inner attitude, formed in the process of moral education with the help of other citizens and organizations of citizens, constantly correcting human behavior and self-esteem.

Conscience arises during ethical assessment, public discussion and condemnation of the behavior of a social subject.

Social justice is established and maintained by social actors acting in good faith.

Punishment and other legal measures applied to social subjects who have committed immoral, unethical acts, acting not in good faith, are permissible only to the extent that they are determined by the current legislation.

The commission by a social subject of a social action, ethically assessed by other subjects as immoral, leads to the formation of negative civil consent.

Negative civil consent in relation to a social subject leads to a loss of trust in him on the part of other social subjects.

Loss of trust leads to the destruction of the reputation of the social subject.

Lack of trust and reputation naturally interferes with the life of a social subject. Thus, self-punishment is carried out for immorality, unethical behavior and dishonesty.


Legal basis for the creation of an international agency of informal justice



The law of international organizations is a set of international legal norms governing the legal status, procedure for activities, powers and legal force of acts of international organizations, their interaction with subjects of international law and participation in international relations [20-25].

International organizations in the modern world are the most important factor in the development of international relations and international law. They participate in solving the most important problems of mankind, take an active part in the implementation of the processes of codification and progressive development of modern international law, within the framework of their powers exercise control over the observance of the norms of international law, have the necessary mechanisms to ensure its observance.

The growing role and importance of international organizations in the modern world have led to the formation of an independent branch of international law - the law of international organizations. Within the framework of this industry, principles and norms governing the creation, legal status, scope of powers and activities of international organizations are combined. At the same time, the law of international organizations includes both principles and norms common to all organizations, and regulations reflecting the specifics of individual international organizations.

The law of an international organization of informal justice consists of two groups of international norms that form: "external" law - a set of rules governing the legal status of an international organization and its relationship with other participants in international relations and "internal" law - a set of rules governing the internal organizational relations of an international organization.

The "external" law of an international organization (international agency of informal justice) regulates the following issues:

legal status, legal personality;

privileges and immunities of the informal law structure;

privileges and immunities of employees of the organization;

the law of treaties of an international organization;

responsibility of an international organization.

The "internal" law of an international organization regulates such issues as:

structure, competence and operating procedures of the bodies of the international agency of informal justice;

relationships between bodies and divisions of an international organization;

procedural rules;

the procedure for the appointment and official status of officials and employees of the International Informal Justice Agency;

property, economic, budgetary and financial and other relations.

Domestic law does not have the qualities of international law. It has a specific binding force required to regulate intra-organizational activities. Compliance with internal law is ensured by means of the organization itself.

The sources of law of the International Informal Justice Agency are international treaties:  

1975 Vienna Convention on the Representation of States in Their Relations with International Organizations of a Universal Character;

The Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties between States and International Organizations or between International Organizations, 1986;

Responsibility of international organizations. Adopted annex in 2011 to UNGA Resolution No. 66/100.



Principles of Law of the International Informal Justice Agency:

the principle of respect for the sovereignty of states;

the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of states;

the principle of non-use of force and the threat of force;

the principle of the peaceful settlement of disputes;

the principle of respect and observance of human rights and fundamental freedoms;

the principle of conscientiousness in fulfilling the obligations assumed;

the principle of voluntary membership in an international organization;

the principle of equality of members of an international organization;

the principle of isolation of the legal will of an international organization;

the principle of the functional legal capacity of an international organization;

the principle of responsibility of an international organization for offenses.

The International Informal Justice Agency can be classified according to the following grounds and criteria:

1) by legal nature:

non-governmental - created on the basis of an association of individuals and / or legal entities;

2) in a circle of participants:

universal - open to all states and citizens of the world.

3) by areas of activity:

general competence - affect all areas of relations between the UN member states.

4) by the nature of the powers:

cooperation organizations - cooperation of citizens and states of the world with the international agency of informal justice is aimed at restoring the balance of justice in relation to a particular citizen, organization, state who has applied;

5) in the order of entry:

open - any citizen, organization, state can join;

The International Agency of Informal Justice is an open association of citizens, organizations, states, called upon to coordinate the actions of its members on an ongoing basis in accordance with the public powers assumed.

The International Informal Justice Agency has the following legal characteristics:

created in accordance with international law;

established on the basis of agreements of stakeholders from around the world;

cooperates in the field of formal, informal and informal law;

has its own organizational structure;

has the rights and responsibilities of the organization;

has an autonomous will that is different from the will of the states of the world community.

Unlike states that are the main (primary) subjects of international law and possessing state sovereignty, the international agency of informal justice is an arbitrary (independent of the will of states) subject of international law. As a subject of international law, an international agency is created by the expression of the will of independent entities that have fixed their decision in the constituent act of the international organization, and the content and scope of their legal status are defined in the constituent act in full accordance with the purpose and functions of the organization. This determines the fact that all the most significant legal characteristics of the international agency of informal justice have a contractual basis.

The international legal personality of an international agency of informal justice is established by its constituent act.

The organization cannot perform other actions than those provided for in its regulation.

The legal personality of an agency includes the following elements:

legal capacity - the ability to have rights and obligations;

legal capacity - the ability of an organization to exercise its rights and obligations by its actions;

the ability to participate in the international lawmaking process;

the ability to be legally responsible for their actions.

The legal personality of the agency is of a functional nature, since the scope of its rights and obligations is limited by the condition of fulfilling tasks, achieving goals, performing functions defined in the regulation on the agency.

Functions performed by the international agency of informal justice:

the function of the forum is to provide a "platform" for discussion and assessment of objects that pose a threat to citizens in all countries of the world: serial fraudsters, sociopaths;

normative function - defining standards of eco-behavior and eco-management and their recommendation for international application;

law-making function - development of projects of legally binding international legal acts;

control function - monitoring compliance with the rules, settling disputes, taking enforcement measures;

operational function - corrective moral and legal influence on objects that create threats to citizens and states of the world (serial swindlers and sociopaths), deployment of discursive-evaluative procedures and the formation of open subjective bases;

information function - collection, analysis and dissemination of data.

Every citizen is acutely aware of the lack of justice. Formal informal law structures do not ensure the restoration of a balance of justice around the world. The International Informal Justice Agency is the first international networked organization in the world that uses social networks to restore and maintain a balance of justice.




The scientific base, ideology and technology of the international agency of informal justice is informal justice, ideology-technology of morality and eco-social technologies. The legal basis of the agency is the constituent act, which is advisable to subject a broad international discussion, first of all, with our colleagues from Italy, thus developing the international legal initiative "Police Brotherhood of Vicenza (Italy) and St. Petersburg (Russia)" [26].


Draft Declaration



International Agency of Informal Justice


The International Informal Justice Agency  is an international organization that provides real-time online assessments by citizens of various actors, whose actions or inaction depend on the satisfaction of citizens' demand for justice.

The International Informal Justice Agency  provides ethical guidelines for the conduct of those who restore and balance justice.

The main problem preventing the restoration of justice is serial crooks, sociopaths, social parasites.

The way to minimize serial fraud, sociopathies, social parasitism is ethical regulation of the behavior of persons caught in this using discursive evaluative procedures.

How can a citizen restore justice ?

Each citizen can reflect his / her relationship (positive, neutral, negative), express value judgments due to freedom of speech to officials who are responsible for restoring justice, and also tag subjects that pose a threat to justice (serial fraudsters, sociopaths, social parasites).

By assessing and marking the subjects that create threats, the citizen improves not only his life, but also helps others to live better, and the leaders of the states of the world receive a sociological basis for making personnel decisions.

The rotation of personnel responsible for the balance of justice and prosperity of all states of the world is the main way of protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens in all regions of the world, ensuring the implementation of UN agreements and resolutions.


The declaration   from July 20, 2020  is in international discussion. Based on the results of the international discourse, amendments and additions will be adopted, after which the declaration will enter into legal force. 




Regulations on the International Informal Justice Agency


Under discussion


Article 1. Informal legal activity


1. Informal legal activity is a comprehensive, integrative legal assistance provided by experts from different professions in order to protect rights, freedoms and interests, as well as to ensure the restoration of justice.

2. Comprehensive, integrative legal assistance includes:

a comprehensive analysis of the parties to the dispute, conflict, their social, economic, legal, medical and other characteristics and properties significant for the case;

development, adoption and implementation of a systemic solution to resolve a dispute, conflict.


Article 2. Ensuring the restoration of justice


1. Ensuring the restoration of justice is continuous and is carried out through public discussion and condemnation in an open information space.  

2. Subjects violating justice - sociopaths and serial cheaters.

3. Sociopaths - persons who have lost conscience, compassion for people, deliberately committing crimes based on personal selfish and powerful motives. They use crimes to seize influence, domination, power over other people and enjoy the creation of injustice. Sociopaths support injustice all over the world, unleash wars and conflicts, deliberately create obstacles in the normal, moral development of human civilization.  

Sociopaths seize power, domination over people through deception, violence, arbitrariness, abuse of law, power, money, property.

4. Serial fraudsters - persons who constantly evade justice, and continuously deceive all people in order to embezzle money and property. They capture public positions with the help of fraud in order to use power to get money, profit. They are interested in money that they are ready to receive at any cost.

5. Sociopaths and serial crooks make up the parasitic part of society - social parasites. They pose a threat to all mankind, lead states and societies to disasters (inequality, ruthless exploitation of man by man, massive manipulation and deception of people, poverty, misery, wars, terrorism, crime).

6. Social parasites that inflict injustice on others, do not stand up to the assessment of other people, cannot resist public discussion and condemnation.  

7. Informal legal activity refers to an integrative, comprehensive legal aid aimed at organizing a multilateral assessment, discussion and condemnation of the organizer and perpetrator of injustice.


Article 3. Agent of the International Informal Justice Agency


1. An agent of the International Agency of Informal Justice is a person who has received, in accordance with the procedure established by this Regulation, the status of an agent and the right to carry out informal legal activities. The agent is an independent professional advisor on comprehensive, integrative legal assistance. 

2. Providing informal (comprehensive, integrative) legal assistance, the agent:

gives advice and information on the protection of rights, freedoms, legal interests, restoration of justice;

engages various experts for a comprehensive study of the issue of an injured citizen (organization), organizes the preparation of statements, complaints, petitions and other documents necessary for organizing a public discussion and assessment;

provides independent and qualified participation of the injured citizen in civil, arbitration and criminal proceedings.


Article 4. International Informal Justice Agency and the State


1. The International Informal Justice Agency is an international professional community of lawyers, lawyers, experts, retired law enforcement officers and, as an institution of civil society, is not included in the system of state authorities and local self-government bodies.

2. The International Informal Justice Agency operates on the basis of the principles of legality, independence, self-government, corporatism, as well as the principle of equality of agents.


Article 5. Powers of an agent of the International Informal Justice Agency


1. The powers of an agent of the International Informal Justice Agency participating in the restoration of justice are determined by an agreement with the injured citizen (organization). The contract can be oral or written.

2. The agent of the International Informal Justice Agency has the right to collect and process information about the offender. He can provide this material to the attention of society to form a social assessment.

3. Social assessment - assessment of society, correcting in the direction of fairness of decisions of public figures.

4. Social assessment is dynamic, reflects the attitude of citizens to the perpetrator of the violation of justice, deprives him of his reputation and trust.

5. The loss of the reputation and trust of a particular social parasite is the basis for minimizing social parasitism in society.


Article 6. Duties of the agent of the International Informal Justice Agency.


1. An agent of the International Agency for Informal Justice is obliged:

honestly, reasonably and conscientiously defend the rights and legitimate interests of the citizen (organization) who applied for comprehensive, integrative legal assistance by all means not prohibited by national legislation;

constantly improve their knowledge on their own and improve their professional level in the field of informal justice; 

observe the rule "Three C" (3 C): do not harm yourself, your neighbors, the environment, neither by thought, nor word, nor deed; to create for themselves, neighbors, habitats by thought, word, deed.

2. For non-performance or improper performance of his professional duties, an agent may be sent for additional training or deprived of the status of an agent of the International Informal Justice Agency.


Article 7. Secrecy of the applicant


1. An applicant's secret is any information related to the provision of comprehensive, integrative legal assistance to an injured citizen to an injured citizen.

2. Anet is obliged to keep the applicant confidential.


Article 8. Acquisition of the status of an agent of the International Informal Justice Agency


1. The status of an agent of the International Agency of Informal Justice may be acquired by a person who has legal and other education that allows ensuring the restoration of justice in relation to the applicant, an injured citizen.

2. If the level of training is insufficient, the applicant for the status of an agent can undergo training in informal justice and receive a basis for assigning the status of an agent of the International Informal Justice Agency.


Article 9. Director of the International Informal Justice Agency


1. The Director of the International Agency of Informal Justice is recommended to the international community for agreement and approval in this status.

2. In case of negative feedback received during the approval of the agency director, this candidacy is not further considered for the position of director.

3. In the absence of negative feedback during the approval of the director's candidacy, this candidacy is approved as the head of the agency.

4. The scientific director of the Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Eco-Social Technologies nominates candidates for the status of the agency director.

5. The position of the first director of the agency is occupied by Andrey Leonidovich Mikhailov, scientific director of the Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Eco-Social Technologies.

6. The director of the agency is changed once every 5 years. Reappointment to the post of director is unacceptable.


Article 10. Powers and Duties of the Director of the International Informal Justice Agency


1. The support and organization of the agency's activities is carried out by the Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Eco-Social Technologies.

2. The Director of the International Informal Justice Agency considers candidates for obtaining the status of an agent, approves and changes the composition of the agents of the International Informal Justice Agency; approves the heads of structural divisions.

3. The Director of the International Agency for Informal Justice has the right to represent the agency throughout the world without a power of attorney, to conclude and enforce contracts with interested persons and organizations.

4. The activities of the director are coordinated by the Board of Managing Partners, which includes persons interested in establishing moral legal order and minimizing social parasitism. The Board of Managing Partners is the agency's self-governing body and is formed on the basis of the agreement of the managing partner with the Financial and Economic Institute of the Academy of Eco-Social Technologies. Decisions in the council are made by a simple majority of partners.


Article 11. Structure of the International Informal Justice Agency


1. The structure of the International Agency for Informal Justice:

The Board of Managing Partners is a collegial self-governing body of the agency;

Director - the executive body of the agency;

Investigative Department - collects and consolidates information about the subjects and objects of violation of the balance of justice;

Information Department - provides for the formation of a social assessment in the case of a victim of a sociopath or serial fraudster;

Agents of the International Informal Justice Agency are specialists in providing comprehensive, integrative legal assistance to victims of sociopaths and serial fraudsters.

2. The agency's activities are carried out through the website.  

3. Agency sign:




The agency's badge symbolizes the main role of the discursive evaluative method in restoring justice, and contains the inscription of the agency's name "International Information Justice Agency". In the center of the sign is the symbol of the planet Earth, painted in three colors of the discursive-evaluative scale: green (agreement), red (non-agreement), blue (thinking). Also at the bottom of the sign are three evaluation buttons (green, red, blue), using which citizens form a social assessment and minimize social parasitism on planet Earth, reduce the influence of serial fraudsters and sociopaths on the prosperity of every person.



Declaration "Prevention of Crime"

Saint Petersburg (Russia) - Vicenza (Italy), 01 June 2020



The Crime Prevention Declaration was adopted in St. Petersburg (Russia) - Vicenza (Italy) on June 01, 2020 to bring together the efforts of national interpol units, police associations, legal institutions and companies to fight back crime in the aftermath of the 2020 pandemic.

The study of the problem of parasites in ecosystems showed that there is such a way of survival as parasitism - the life of some creatures at the expense of others, while the parasites cause harm, damage to those objects from which they take food and vital resources.

At the same time, no one has paid attention to the human ecosystem until now. I did not single out such a group of social subjects as social parasites that survive at the expense of other social subjects, while also causing them harm. 

This circumstance served as the beginning of the formation of scientific research in St. Petersburg, which began to be carried out by the leading experts of the former USSR and modern Russia in the field of parasitology and ecosocial technologies. Since 2005, experiments have begun to study the global problem of parasitism. The Institute of Morality was created, which consolidated the expert community of St. Petersburg, acted as an experimental platform for studying the problem of social parasites. Further studies of social parasitism and crime, sociopathies began to be carried out by the institutes of the Academy of Eco-Social Technologies.

In the course of the research, the main model of the behavior of the social parasite was verified - the seizure of resources and their arbitrary redistribution against the background of complete social irresponsibility for the consequences of their actions.

It became clear that the mechanism of social parasitism lies in the very nature of man. It is governed by the basic social law that ensures survival: take more, give less. Under favorable conditions, parasitic tendencies can be activated in each person, regardless of his social and property status. At the same time, it does not matter what policy is being pursued, what type of government and police is, what ideology. It became clear that many problems of social self-government, state building and business can be successfully solved if a common problem for these systems is solved - the problem of global parasitism.

This declaration is intended to start a discussion in society on global parasitism. The declaration proposes new approaches to the prevention of social parasitism, which were tested from 2006 to 2020 in St. Petersburg and other regions of the world.

Research has also shown that social parasites are constructive in social development. In particular, they are pursuing a line of avoiding totalitarianism, extremism and other violence. Social parasites are interested in the sustainable development of society. They are against world wars and damage to property (especially their personal). Therefore, talking about the struggle and elimination of social parasitism does not seem entirely correct. We should rather speak about the prevention and limitation of social parasitism. There are also positive aspects for modern civilization from social parasites, which should be clarified in research and used for public good.

By concentrating society's attention to the problem of global parasitism, it is undoubtedly possible to create the necessary conditions for its prevention or cultural restriction. We are deeply convinced that the time of violence, including violence against social parasites, is a thing of the past and is a relic of history. Changes in society should not be revolutionary and lethal, but an evolutionary, ecological, humane, non-lethal way of implementation.

The future belongs to cultural dialogue, eco-social technologies, which make it possible to provide environmental conditions for non-lethal humane prevention of social parasitism. The use of the beneficial properties of social parasites can increase social welfare and stabilize its development, ensure the safety of welfare, legal protection and health of the population of all regions of the world.       


Article 1. Global parasitism


Global parasitism is a way of existence of an international social subject (an international group of persons, organizations, states), affected by the ideology of personal self-interest, a consequence of double moral standards. The global parasite seeks to live at the expense of other organizations and states, seizing resources and blocking access to them from citizens.

Socio-parasitic structure - an organization, all efforts of which are aimed at obtaining financial and material resources to support its own existence. A characteristic feature of such a structure is the imitation of its main activity in solving socio-economic and environmental problems that are relevant to the population. 

At the local level, global parasitism manifests itself in the form of social parasitism in the form of the seizure of resources and arbitrary restriction of access to them by citizens.

Ways to prevent social parasitism - public control and mass ethical assessment of the results of access to the consumption and production of resources by citizens.


Article 2. Ethical regulation of civil, commercial, criminal cases


The problems of a fair investigation and consideration of civil, commercial, criminal cases are associated with double standards. One thing is proclaimed (justice, legality, honesty, decency, openness, etc.). In reality, the participants in the case are guided by other standards: self-interest, greed, personal enrichment at any cost.

A moral judge, a policeman, an official, a moral economy are possible provided that such socio-technological procedures are created that provide motivation for the moral behavior of the subject of a civil, commercial, criminal case.

Ethical regulation of a civil, commercial, criminal case is based on consideration in making a decision on a case, taking into account public discussion and assessment of this case and its participants.


Article 3. Prevention of social parasitism


Social parasitism is generated by the natural desire of any social subject to maximize its benefits.

Organized crime is the criminal activity of subjects for the implementation of subjective arbitrariness for their own purposes. Organized crime, penetrating into social structures, turns them into parasitic formations. In this way, public and administrative institutions are corrupted and put into imitation mode.

In particular, the legislature begins to generate legislative acts that allow social parasites to evade any responsibility with impunity.

The prevention of social parasitism is carried out by each person who implements in his behavior the requirements of the global ecological principle, and proceeds from moral positions when making decisions on each case.


Article 4. Global environmental principle


The global ecological principle is when a person does not harm others, the environment and himself. 

A global ethical principle follows from the global ecological principle - this is the behavior of a citizen, which excludes harm to oneself, other people in the environment.  

The global ethical principle acts as a universal regulator of any human activity.

The moral principle is that a person does no harm to himself, his neighbors, or the environment by thought, word or deed. He creates for himself, other people, living environment by thought, word, deed. This is a way of human behavior that ensures the development of humanity. It is based on the consideration and assessment by each person of the harm caused by this or that activity (inactivity) of other people in the process of communicating with other people.

Morality is a special mood of thinking and behavior of a person, which allows not to harm oneself, others, the environment, harmony of spiritual and material aspirations and actions, a balance of rights and obligations to society.

The decision on any case (civil, commercial, criminal) is carried out in accordance with the moral principle.


Article 5. Eco-social technologies


Eco-social technologies are ways to ensure that citizens focus on certain events or social actions, accompanied by massive ethical assessment.

Eco-social technologies provide protection of civil, commercial, criminal cases from threats from global and local social parasites.

Eco-social technologies contribute to the promotion of moral (non-detrimental) civil, commercial cause, make the police service worthy, fill it with honor and public trust.

Public safety, pre-trial and judicial proceedings, business protection are provided by education of citizens in the field of practical ethics aimed at the development and use of eco-social technologies.


Article 6. Corruption, manifestations of corruption in civil, commercial and criminal cases


Corruption and manifestations of corruption are the main mode of activity of social parasites, aimed at redistributing in their favor the results of the creative activities of citizens, business, police, lawyers.     

Anti-corruption technologies are based on the use of eco-social technologies based on the use of group and mass evaluative actions. These actions are able to set their own orders, i.e. limit arbitrariness and crime.


Article 7. Ethical assessment


Ethical assessment is the definition of a person's threat or real danger of harm from other people and organizations. Ethical assessment manifests itself in the form of expression of a certain (positive or negative) attitude of a person to the social actions of other people and organizations.

The ethical assessment scale is the subjective attitude of the subject to the evaluated social phenomenon, ordered by the degree of intensity.

The use of scales of ethical assessments when discussing decisions in civil, commercial, and criminal cases makes them more fair and minimizes social parasitism.


Article 8. Mass ethical assessment as a way to protect the interests of citizens


The evaluator is not a passive observer of a civil, commercial, criminal case, but an active participant. The process of assessment arises for him from the realization of personal significance, personal influence on what is happening. The assessment experience is cognitive and emotional in nature. Therefore, he is organically included in the integral world of the evaluator, forming a full-fledged person who is able to effectively exercise his rights, defend his civil, commercial case, and prosecute crime in a criminal case.


Article 9. Trends in the development of ethical regulation of civil, commercial, criminal cases


Trends in the development of civil, commercial, criminal cases: a combination of information technology and eco-social technologies, the creation of global and regional discourse-evaluative environments, social-evaluative networks, legal educational environments.

The ideal of legal education is a process of constant restructuring and correction of individual experience in protecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. It is independent of age and represents an ideal mechanism for continuing legal education. This mechanism coincides with the process of vital activity, the mechanism of life itself in its constant improvement.


Article 10. Practical legal ethics


Practical legal ethics is based on the fact that each lawyer takes into account the ethical assessment of society regarding a specific civil, commercial, criminal case.

Lawyers, police officers retain their inner conviction of the need to combine private, public and state interests in the investigation and consideration of every civil, commercial, criminal case.


Final provisions


There is a continuing lack of justice in society. Every person feels unfairly treated. Lack of justice and inequality lead to social catastrophes and personal tragedies, an increase in crime. Criminality in human relationships is associated with injustice.

Restoring sustainable development is accomplished by balancing equity.

Equity balance models are based on the discursive evaluative method. This is a scientific and practical basis for modeling the balance of social justice.

Balancing social justice can be done through the use of social networks of a new type - social evaluation networks. These are networks that allow the user to influence the restoration of justice through the organization of an open discussion, group expert and mass assessment on various scales (harmful-not harmful, threatens - does not threaten, proper behavior is not proper behavior, fair-unfair, and so on).

Socio-ecological problems are the issues that the mission of the international legal community and police associations is aimed at solving.

We see the international importance of developing a culture of ecology of behavior of lawyers, police officers and the environment of decisions in civil, commercial, criminal and administrative cases, which consists in implementing the global environmental imperative (do not harm).

The activities of persons and organizations that share the provisions of this declaration are aimed at fostering a culture of eco-behavior and eco-management in the activities of the police and the legal community.

Eco-behavior (ecology of behavior) is human behavior that excludes harm to the environment, other people and oneself.

Eco-management (management ecology) is a management activity of a person, which excludes harm to the environment, other people and oneself.

Eco-behavior and eco-management ensure sustainable development and safety of the environment, individuals, society and the state, preserve public confidence in the police and lawyers.


Dear citizens, lawyers, leaders! We invite you to discuss and agree on the above documents, which will allow us to solve the main task of mankind in the 21st century - to minimize social parasitism on planet Earth by reducing the crimes committed by serial fraudsters and sociopaths (social parasites).




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Mikhailov Andrey Leonidovich

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